from the 'dorothy connection'
a series of one-line linked haiku 'mountain sonnets'
awakened by the honking of cars
raging rivers follow raging clouds
pist at the men pist at each other
ask any minority it's apathy that kills
in your own backyard except you don't really own it
beyond reason a body-belt full of explosives
they hurt us they started it all
leaking inside her cocaine
eighteen months old and dressed as a suicide bomber
armistice day whichever way you look at it we never learn
veteran's day parade the march after a few prayers and some church bells
a heated exchange about asylum seekers
all his life the sound of copters have spelled 'war'
lied to again he should know better
gg(1,7,13) ct(2,5,11) mm(3) sw(4,8,9,10) sa(14) pc(6,12)
gary gach cindy tebo marlene mountain sheila windsor stephen addiss paul conneally